How it Works
1) Setting up your Reading

You have been drawn here for a reason (or many!) as there really are no accidents. It’s a message from all of You and your Team, so let’s get started.
Go to READINGS & PRICES. Select the Reading option that best suits you, Online, Face to Face, Typed or Group and click CONTACT NOW. Fill in your name, mobile, email and option. I will make contact as soon as possible.
Upon agreement, you will receive an email with date, time, zoom link or physical address and all payment details to be made before the Reading. In preparation I ask that you refrain from alcohol or similar for 24 hours prior and be over 18 years of age. I will record either on audio or video and write notes for you but you are welcome to do your own.
Any more queries you can go to FAQ and CODES for Terms & Conditions, Code of Ethics & Privacy.
2) What do I want to know?

Before your Reading you will want to consider questions you have about your life such as relationships, health, career, finances, guides, helpers, past lives and life purpose. The most effective questions start with WHY, HOW or WHAT as these are more informative than simple yes and no answers. Go to QUESTION IDEAS on the menu.
You may already know your questions but do check out the ideas as there may be some things that may surprise you.
Sometimes nothing in particular resonates. That's all fine as there will always be information coming in that is required and appropriate. When we start I will ask if you have questions or we are going organic so we can work in which is more suitable.
3) Your Reading experience

Yippee.... here we go! Have your questions, a drink of water, and a pen and notebook if you wish. If on online, find a nice quiet space, a do not disturb sign and some headphones. You will need to tell me your full legal name so I can connect with You and your Team. I will be recording and writing during the Reading.
We start with some centering and a prayer to request connection. Initially there are messages received from Spirit psychically that will resonate with you. Then we can just go for it! Remember your Reading is always about making you feel safe and loved, so you will only ever be given that which you are ready to hear. Please do ask questions if you are not sure or want to know more. We pull a Tarot Card at the end to confirm an overall picture and then finish off with a closing prayer and thanks to all.
4) Afterwards & You

Be kind and gentle to yourself afterward. Your Reading works on an energetic level and therefore, you may feel a range of changes from being tired, energised or not much! Rest, drink lots of water and let things percolate.
I will email a voice recording or video of your reading with a Dropbox link and how to download instructions. No need to join as you can just save it to your device. Please download as soon as possible. Check out the FAQs Technical Stuff. Attached to the email will be a PDF file of the writings, tarot and any information regarding past life experiences.
Give yourself a week or so before you listen again. Contact me if you have any questions or need clarification. Use tools and guidance relayed to help you. Do check out the BLOG and LEARN MORE on the menu for more info.