Ever since I can remember I've thought and felt that Science and Spirituality were the same thing.... we just hadn't put them together lol!
This amazing man, Ervin Lazslo is a philosopher and scientist! https://ervinlaszlobooks.com/ He and others put the two together in a in the form of quantum physics and intuition...yipppeeeee! He has written many, many books about the Akashic Records.
As we all develop, ask questions, want to know more about how and who we are, we realise that the clues to our own Self Empowerment are all around us. The ancient civilisations tell us the stories, our inner knowing tells us and the time for clarity is here.
Often in Akashic Empowerment Readings there is more technical information given as tools to use. Upon checking that data later, we have found that it has a scientific reason or sequence to improve the condition/feelings/cells of the person!! How wise are we?!
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