So the US Government has decided to let us all know about UFO's in the skies with a report coming out shortly....
The media, the fear mongers, the conspiracists, the governments, the cynics are all talking about it... NY Times NZ Herald
Removing all the hype, I imagine that there would not be a single person on this planet (excuse the subject pun lol!!) that does not know or know of someone that has had some sort of ET experience. Our Grandmother and hundreds of other people saw an UFO over the Whangaparaoa Peninsular in Auckland, NZ in the 1980's which did make the paper. There's the Hawkes Bay and Kaikoura sightings too and so many more.
So, things like human DNA questionability, crop circles, lights in the sky, missing time events, Stonehenge, ancient astrological sites, magnetic sciences, people channeling Starbeings and programmes on TV, have been showing us forever that WE ARE NOT ALONE! What's more, half of it is probably humans playing around with "new learnt technologies!" Who would have thought we would be having zoom meetings just like Star Trek!? You have to ask why have we been conditioned to see all these things as "nutty, made up, imagination..."? Take everything we will get told with a good dose of objectivity people as this is OLD STUFF not new.... ask the Indigenous teachers...
Following along these lines I find that lots of people have Guides or Helpers, previous lifetime experiences, memories of events and similar when it comes to their Akashic Story. They have been termed as STARSEEDS or STARBEINGS. In that BIG picture it all makes sense to have this connection as even the scientists are beginning to conclude!
